Friday, May 24, 2013

May 2013

It has now been just about 5 months since my last surgery.  I am doing quite well.  I suppose you can call it that.  Due to my surgery and lack of time with school and work I have gain so much weight it is appalling.  Now that school is out for the summer I have great plans for myself and for my health.  I have employed yet another trainer and am sticking to a much healthier way of eating.  Granted this new found agenda has only been in place for a week now but never the less I have lost 3lbs.  I truly like my trainer Nikki.  She seems to "get" me.  I am already feeling more energy as well as more solid hours of sleep at night.  I find I am getting joy from making the smallest amount of progress.  Heck, whatever keeps me motivated right?  I am doing interval training on the treadmill making my heart rate go up and then back down.  Granted I walk for a full minute and then jog for 30 seconds only but I do this consistently for 30 minutes.  I realize after this long of time it will take me a while to build up.  I can't wait until I can jog for a full minute.  I know that does not sounds like a lot however, it is to me.  I have a long way to go to lose these unwanted 75lbs.  Right now I am confident I can chuck away at it. 

As far as our long road to having a baby, I have since had an HSG test on my remaining tube in the doctors office which costs me over $800 only for him to say that I had to get it redone in the hospital since the radiology department has a much stronger and more accurate machine.  So come for find out I have to spend another $800+ just to have it done all over again.  Let me just say that is the most painful procedure I have ever done.  I am not looking forward to it but I will do every step necessary for us to have a baby of our own.  This is the last test I can do that will determine if we can try naturally or if we need to go the IVF or adoption route.  This is a journey that we burden quietly.  Only our family and a select group of friends know the road we have been down.  It has been difficult however my amazing husband constantly tells me that no matter how we will have our very own child to love and raise.  I rely heavily on his confidence.  It troubles me from time to time to know that no matter what I do or what I go through I am unable to have a baby as easily and naturally as most of the people around me.  I know that is no way to think yet, those thoughts creep up on me sometimes.  For the most part, I do my best to think positively and know in my heart that God would not put us through all of this if he did not have a grand plan for us.  In the mean time, we continue to enjoy time spent with loved ones new and old.  We have new babies in the family that thankfully their mother's allow us to have a little practice with. 

Welcome Summer...I have missed you!

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