Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31, 2013

I am excited to be starting a new month tomorrow.  I know this must be our chance to create a little miniature Sakouk.  This month I was put on Clomid (100mg) which is a fertility drug that stimulates the release of hormones necessary for ovulation to occur.  Majority of the time this is given to women that do not ovulate.  That is not the case for me.  I do ovulate I just need to be able to ovulate from both sides since I am down to one tube.  I see some women are given 50mg to start with and then if that does not result in a pregnancy then they up it to 100mg.  I suppose I am pleased that I was immediately put on the higher dosage.  Maybe they figure with my age they do not want to waste any more time.  Doctors do not usually have you take the Clomid for more than 4 to 6 cycles.  I suppose they figure that if you are not pregnant by the end of 4 to 6 cycles then there must be additional issues with that person's fertility.  On the positive side I see quite a few stories where it only took couples a few cycles to get pregnant after years of trying.  It is most certainly something I keep in mind each time I take my pills.  My doctor recommended that I take them days 5-9 of my cycle.  They want me off of the pills and resting until Day 12 of my cycle then I am to start tracking my ovulation with these handy dandy predictor kits that you can pick up at the store.  My amazing husband came home last night from the gym and had purchased an ovulation kit for me.  It was such a sweet sweet surprise.  I know how blessed and lucky I am to have his mirrored excitement as we continue this together.  I am now on Day 4 of taking the medicine.  I only have to take it for 5 days total.  After reading the stories of the possible side effects others have had I feel pretty damn lucky not to be experiencing really any of them.  After reading what some women experience I truly feel that whatever you normally have as PMS symptoms are tripled after taking these fertility drugs.  For me I never get bitchy or angry.  As a matter of fact I usually only get sappy and lovey dovey.  I can cry easily at a sad or emotional TV program/movie.  So if those are the "mood swings" these ladies are talking about then I and Moussa can handles those no problem.  So back to all these calculated days...I swear it is mind boggling how you much you have to pay attention to each instruction on each given day.  I am amazed that so many babies are conceived without any thought given on the parents side.  You seem to basically have a window of 24 to 48 hours each month that it can magically happen.  The stars and moon must be perfectly aligned.  Yet, it happens every single moment around the world.  Mystifying really.  So other than praying our solar system is doing its job I/we shall continue to do as we are told.  I know that during my two week wait from when you can possibly be pregnant to actually being able to test and find out will be torturous as it has in the past yet this month will be especially so since we have now introduced this new element.  I hope to remain calm and silent while waiting.  I do not want to be the "girl who cries wolf" with every little twinge my body creates.  Internally I will be losing my marbles. 
Yesterday, they called with my blood draw results from my doctors appointment on July 26, 2013.  When I asked if there was anything that I needed to truly be worried about they said no.  The only issues that came up were that I have Hypothyroidism which means I do not produce enough forcing my thyroid to work over time.  They called in a prescription that apparently I might be on for the rest of my life.  They will be testing my levels again after I am on the meds for 3 weeks.  I was told this will not delay our original plans with the fertility medicine.  The docs just want to regulate my levels.  Apparently I am at a 4.4 and they want me in the range of 1 to 2.  I also have a low level of Vitamin D which is very simple to correct with 2,000 units per day.  Nice thing is that those you can buy over the counter.  I am excited to know about my Thyroid issues because I truly felt something was not quite right with it about 9 months ago but when my regular physician had it checked apparently per her words it was normal.  Getting this result explains why I can not seem to lose the excessive weight that I have gain any more quickly than I think I should given my new regiment of working out and eating right.  Not to mention how exhausted I am all the time.  So at least I have feeling much better to look forward to within the next few weeks.  That about sums up what has been going on lately. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 2013

As July 2, 2013 approached I began to feel sad.  I knew it was my last HSG test.  The previous one that took place in my fertility specialist's office did not offer much hope for my remaining tube.  He had said that it appeared to be closed however since the Radiology Department in the hospital had equipment was more accurate he would like for me to go there and have it done again.

The night before my appointment I had this feeling of dread.  I have done pretty well with keeping my thoughts optimistic up to this point.  However, I knew that the next day's results were going to require us to have the conversation about going either the IVF or adoption route.  I was just not ready to face that yet.  Plus, I knew how painful this procedure was last time so I kept thinking about the pain.

I woke up that morning in a gloomy mood.  We went to work for a few hours.  I decided to take some "strong" pain pills that were left over from my surgery.  I took them about 45 mins before my HSG test.  I kind of had to laugh because I felt them kick in a bit on the drive over to the hospital.  Thankfully my dear husband was driving just for that reason.  As we sat in the waiting room I watched my doctor come through the door.  With the combination of seeing him and my medication beginning to work I started to truly relax.  I kept thinking that I had already gone through so much and was willing to do whatever it took for us to have a baby I was not going to back down now.  My main focus was to just get it over with and deal with the results as they came.

I arrived in the cold radiation room nice and calm.  I was so thankful that my doctor was there to greet me.  He had driven all the way from his office to downtown just for my appointment.  That was a great comfort.  He said he didn't trust anyone else with my test or results.  He truly is good at what he does.  So the test began.  Due to my "strong" medication of percacet I only had a few moments of discomfort.  That alone was wonderful.  He did say that my Uterus looked perfect.  I liked hearing that.  He said regardless of how it may happen that I was in amazing condition to carry the baby.  That was a concern of mine since they had to remove that huge fibroid that was growing on the outside of my uterus.  He was able to remove it without causing scar damage.  That further eased my level of anxiety.   Then came the words I wasn't looking forward to hearing, he said didn't see the fluid going through the tube.  I just sighed thinking...I knew it.  So he had my roll on to my side with the machine positioned right above my lower abdomen.  Once I rolled to my side he pushed quite a bit of fluid through all at once.  Then he had me go back to laying flat on my back.  He then said....

ALL LOOKS GREAT!  Your tube is OPEN!!!

I could not help myself from tearing up quite a bit.  I think I even held my breath afraid I would break down in tears of joy. 

My doctor was elated.  I was over the moon and even the nurse said, "Well honey, everyone deserves some good news every once in a while."  I could not have put it better myself.  My doctor then said that next month he wants to put me on some medicine (Clomid) that will make my body ovulate from both sides.  This way it will up my chances instead of guessing which side I would ovulate on.  Otherwise, we would always be hoping it was going to be the side with the remaining tube.

I got dressed quickly and left.  I found Moussa wandering along the hallways.  I didn't say anything at all.  I just reached up and gave him a big hug.  I whispered in his ear.  My tube is open.  He quickly tightened the hug.  He pulled me away to look at me with the biggest smile ever and then hugged me again!  We floated out of the hospital out to the car.  All the way home we were chatting it up about how wonderful it was that we were getting another chance to conceive naturally.

I called my mother and grandmother and he called his family.  Then he took me home to sleep off the medication while he went back to our office.

As I sit here now, I am feeling a sense of relief and excitement.  We are at a perfect place in our life for us to get pregnant and start our family.  So here's to hopefully continued good news in our near future!