Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 2011

As life tends to do, it has thrown us a new curve ball. I have two cousins that have moved to Denver. They moved here about 4 months ago. Since our lease was coming due the end of this month (June 2011) we 4 have decided to rent a larger house together for the next year. Moussa and I's plans are that once I have all my debt paid off in 12 months we are looking to make a very major move. Not sure where or even if it will be in the US. I am looking forward to a new adventure. Most adults talk about starting anew yet never do. I want to be the one that does it. Moussa, has definitely opened my eyes to new experiences and new cultures. I am forever thankful for that. I talk with close-minded Americans daily. I do not want to be one of them. I surprised Moussa with a trip to Las Vegas and San Diego this past March. I have always loved California and wanted him to visit. We took this wonderful rode trip all the way there and back. California is on the top of our moving destinations. We have a whole lot of planning to do, yet that is the exciting part.
We have also decided to start trying again for a small version of ourselves again. Moussa has a fear that having a baby will prevent us from our big move, my thoughts on that are simply that babies are portable and easy to add into the adventure. Who knows what might take place. At this point it is exciting to talk and think about.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

2011 New Year New Adventures

It has been 8 months since I have updated my blog. So here is what has taken place since then. We did indeed move into our new town-home which we love. We have two fat spoiled pugs (Simone and Sydney) whom love each other. They are our livelihood. Great comic relief for us both. Moussa has been working as a bank teller part-time for 6 months now at UMB and is going to school on his days off. He starts a new semester yet this week. He should have his Associates Degree this year. We have also had a few small vacations since I last blogged. This last summer we went back to our favorite place MEXICO. For a much needed get away.

Now on to present times. Since the two ectopic pregnancies my OGBYN recommended me to take a test. This test is explained as the following:

A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an X-ray test that looks at the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes and the area around them. It often is done for women who are having a hard time becoming pregnant (infertile).

Man, did that ever hurt. However, the test results were very positive. They said that the ends of my tubes were minimally dilated. Therefore, they said my chances of having a successful pregnancy in my Uterus was pretty good. They gave us the green light to try again. Naturally, due to my previous Ectopic pregnancies my risk for another is higher than normal. We have to decided to get Moussa through school and have him settled in to a full time job before we try again. Although, a mature approach I am still yearning to hold a baby of our own. Someday, if God or Allah sees fit it will happen. In the meantime, we are looking forward to settling into our constant joyful world.
That just about sums us up for now. Till next time.