Monday, March 29, 2010

Staying Strong

After being in some pretty intense pain I went to the doctor They revealed that I had yet another ectopic pregnancy. The same thing that happened in October 2009. I was shocked since my body was not previously acting the same. This time we actually thought we were pregnant. They gave me medicine to dissolve the cells that has made me pretty ill. I have to be really careful while the meds are working so that my tube does not burst. As long as all goes well I will escape surgery once again. As disappointed and heartbroken as we are, Moussa has been my Angel to lift my spirits. In a few months they will do a dye test to see if everything is operating inside my tubes properly. When the time is right then it will happen. We just keep telling ourselves God is creating the perfect baby for us. This time he accidentally gave us the wrong one. Of course I will be just fine very very soon! No worries there.
Love, April

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


It has now been a week since we have found out our life changing, world turning, joyous news. I am a bit obsessed with seeing the word Pregnant I guess. I just look another home test just to be 100% positive. Granted I realize that once I see the doctor he will tell me everything I need to know. My body itself is doing a pretty good job also letting me know things are "going on" in my tummy region. Goodness, I am so bloated right now I look 7 months pregnant. Please don't count this as complaining I am only stating that it is an odd feeling to have your stomach pushed out this far and it is hard like a ball. I was going to wait to tell my office that I was pregnant but with all the odd looks I think I might have to tell them before I go to the doctor. All my symptoms are the same as last week even the insomnia. I am one tired girl. I could so go for a nap about mid day every day. I hear that when you hit the 2nd trimester your energy level goes up. Pray for that one. I also read a very interesting I could have guessed myself I suppose. They say researchers have proven an old wives tale that the more heartburn you have the more likely chance your baby will have a full head of hair. We all know I am going to give birth to a 14 lbs baby. 7lb baby + 7lb hair. This child will need a haircut before he or she is released out of the hospital. I will be making my doctor appointment this week. I am anxious to see how far along I really am. I am only guessing about my weeks as of right now.

3/16/10 Pregnancy update

As of March 16th around 5p.m. we found out were are going to have a BABY!!! I thought it would be great to have a journey of this experience. Even if it is only to keep me sane. I think I am in week 5. The only signs I have had besides the test result itself is that I have been gaining weight due to a very increased appetite, low will-power and low energy to get my butt to the gym, also very bad heartburn. Now all my other parts are very sensitive oh and back pain. I am exhausted but I can't tell if that is a sign or just normal. I have been having major insomnia. Well let's see what happens within the next week.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 16th, 2010

BIG NEWS!!!! I took a home pregnancy test today, with the results being positive!!!! Can you believe it? We are absolutely over the Moon. We both starting to cry. As most of you know back in October of 2009 unbeknown to us, I was pregnant and had a miscarriage. However, I just thought it was "my time of the month" but it was lasting for 3 weeks and the cramps were so painful I could barely walk. So after a visit with our Dr. he immediately sent me to the ER. The prepped me for surgery thinking I had an ectopic pregnancy and that they were worried I would not make it if I didn't have surgery. As I was about to be wheeled in to surgery another Doctor had just gotten done looking at my scans stopped the whole process. She truly believed that I was going to be okay without surgery so they had me stay overnight and then released me the next day. Over the next few weeks my body corrected itself without the need for surgery. I am so thankful for that. We then went on with our normal lives and then BAM here we are. God has decided to give us another opportunity to become parents.
Last night after the test I ran to Target to set up my plans for Moussa. When he got home he opened a gift that was a baby outfit that said "My Dad is my Hero" along with the test itself.
We immediately started calling our parents to the sounds of pure joy and excitement. Naturally, we are in the stage of being extra careful. Everything about my symptoms seem to be right on track...even this killer heartburn. I plan on keeping everyone posted as to the progression.


March 7th, 2010

We just celebrated one year of Marital Bliss. We have been super busy in our lives yet are still so excited to spend every free moment we can together. This last year Moussa's sister Wafae and her husband Saad had their first baby boy. Moussa went over to Morocco for a month to visit and spend some wonderful time with his family. One year has supplied us with so much joy. We look forward to a lifetime of this wonderous journey.

March 7th, 2009

Moussa and April were joined in a beautiful marriage ceremony accompanied by our friends and family that could make it to Las Vegas with us. We were married during a candlelight ceremony with our tears of joy free flowing.