Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9, 2014

March 9, 2014
As I sit here I am filled with a familiar feeling of calmness and bliss.  This month we have been married for 5 simply amazing years and on March 5th I found out we were 5 weeks pregnant.  Yes, we have been pregnant a few times before yet if the Gods above see it to be fit we will have a successful pregnancy this time. 

If you go back far enough into my blog you will see that we have had more than our share of struggles both emotionally and physically.  So to say that we are both afraid to be excited is an understatement.  I have an appointment with my OBGYN tomorrow Monday, March 10, 2014 at 11:00am to find out if this pregnancy has landed in the proper place.  This has been a reallllyyy long weekend.  Monday could not come fast enough. 

As of November 2013 I had finally said enough is enough we need a break.  We err I stopped all fertility treatments and stopped tracking even my ovulation.  Moussa went to Morocco for a month in December and I knew we would be gearing up to buy a house around April 2014 so I figured a break was needed.  So now here it is March 2014 and I decided to talk to my doctor about my inability to lose weight no matter what I tried.  For 10 days I was doing great.  I had lost 8lbs and my energy level was through the roof.  On March 5 I was having some discomfort whenever I would try and urinate so I decided to call and make an appointment just incase I had developed a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).  When I went it (the same day) I asked if the diet pill could have caused the UTI since I could tell it was definitely messing with my system.  I told them that I had read how the diet pill could delay your period which it had done mine.  They said yes possibly.  The doc left the room to get the results from my urine test and sure enough I did have a UTI.  Then she sat across from me and told me that I was to stop the diet pills immediately because I was pregnant.  My express didn't change at all which shocked her.  I looked her dead in the eye and said well can't this pill and possibly the UTI give you a false positive?  She agreed that many things could but that to make sure she would draw a blood sample and call me on Friday.  I left not really thinking much about it.  I knew I could not afford to get excited.  I had myself all but convinced she would call me on Friday to confirm my thoughts.  On Thursday she called around 10am and said well April, your test came back and you are indeed pregnant.  I could barely contain myself.  It was so hard to not respond with too much excitement since I was in my office.  After giving me a few do's and don't she then told me to schedule an appt. with my OBGYN as soon as I could.  I did just that.  Then I knew I had to keep my cool for the rest of the day.  Givin' that Moussa and I work together that was a struggle.  I didn't want to tell him at the office.  So we went home that night and I asked him if he wanted his Anniversary present a bit early.  Of course he said yes.  I said well since we are buying our house soon I just got you something really little.  I told him to close his eyes and hold out his hands.  I then took his hands and placed them on my tummy.  When his eyes opened he did the best dance I have ever seen.  I told him honey we have been married for 5 years and now we are 5 weeks pregnant.  We both had a wonderful evening of what if's.  For the rest of the weekend we have been trading lightly on the subject.  So now we just keep thinking of tomorrow's appointment.  So till then...


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  2. So, my dear, I was rereading through old posts of mine and just saw your comment on my blog (Thank you! You are seriously one of the sweetest women I know!) and decided to check out your blog.

    I read through all your posts and I had tears. I can't even imagine your struggles! However, this post just brought a huge smile to my face and I send you lots and lots of well wishes, successes, and of course, a healthy and happy pregnancy!!!! I am sending all the good pregnancy vibes your way!!! You deserve this happiness so much!

    Lots of love!
