Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 8, 2013

August 8, 2013

I will back up a few days to get to today.  These are my personal notes that I keep to monitor my symptoms etc.  They are usually written in present tense for that day.

August 6, I presume I will test positive tomorrow because I am already lightly cramping, am bloated, have a headache am extremely nauseous yet not actually throwing up.  I have this overwhelming feeling as if my bladder is low in my abdomen and is full.  I envision a huge water balloon.  I am exhausted yet trying not to complain because I am excited to see what may happen this first round of Clomid.  

August 7, took OPK (digital) tested positive (smiley face).  I knew it.  I am so happy.  This explains the awful nauseous feelings I had this morning.  I have read that if you have taken Clomid that the cramps, bloating, uncomfortable feeling and nausea will go away after you ovulate.  Per the Dr. office they say I should be ovulating tomorrow.  When I called to let them know I tested positive for my LH surge they immediately made an appt. for tomorrow morning at 7:30a.m. to do an ultra sound to check my follicles. I have this overwhelming feeling of contentment just knowing that everything is going as it should for once.  I am not stressed out at all.  I am actually just making sure I do everything that I am supposed to.  If they say jump I will jump.

August 8, Went to the Doctor today at 7:30a.m. for my ultra sound to look at my follicles. They saw 1 large mature follicle on my right side and a few smaller ones on my left side (which does not matter since I do not have a tube there).  I was told me lining was very thick which is a very good sign.  So far everything is following along to the letter.  They did confirm that the symptoms that I am experiencing will diminish once I release the egg during ovulation.  They are predicting me to ovulate today or early tomorrow.  I was forwarned that ovulation could be painful this time due to the Clomid.  Then they scheduled me to have my progesterone levels checked on August 15 and August 19.  I am supposed to take a HPT on August 23. Sure no problem I can wait that long to test....(scoff).  Anyone that is TTC (trying to conceive) knows that waiting is the hardest part.  

So now we continue doing exactly as we are told and we shall see what happens.

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